BREACH – SPREAD – LIFT – RAM – HAMMER – CUT. Whether it’s breaching doors, cutting locks or lifting roller doors: WITH THE T1, YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB.
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Hammer, cut, spread, lift, wedge and ram. The T1 saves vehicle space by doing everything sledge hammers, bolt cutters, crowbars, manual rams, and manual breaching tools can do… more efficiently.
Two-stage manual hydraulic pump generates 31,248 lb of cutting force and 5,845 lb of spreading force. No battery required. Minimum energy needed.
Requires little to no training, as this manual tool has a hand actuated arm that activates the pump, inducing spreading and cutting at the same time.
At 17 lbs, the T1 has enough weight to pack a punch yet light enough for tactical kits. One person operation, and the hydraulic power does the work, conserving human energy. Ideal for multi-breach scenarios.
The detachable wedge allows users to create a purchase point on inward swinging doors and can pull hinges on outward swinging doors. We’ve also seen it used to lift roll-up doors and jersey barriers, spread escalator stairs, and more.
Customers who value the T1 include:
Solutions that offer stealth, speed, surprise, and unmatched safety, the Holmatro special tactics portfolio has a wide range of tools for your mission.
Our revolutionary Pentheon battery operated cutters, spreaders, rams and combi tools are miles ahead - performance, usability, serviceability. The Next Generation series has Bluetooth connectivity options for tool and battery start of shift and maintenance checks.
Holmatro's Pentheon equipment uses a proprietary battery that is purpose built for the mission at hand. When lives are on the line, you want a battery designed for the job... With capabilities like no other.
A revolutionary shoring system reimagined from the ground up, designed in accordance with the highest standards of quality and safety. A simple system with six working struts leads to versatility, speed in deployment, and weight and space savings on trucks.